Project Description:
Bring to the table win-win survival strategies to ensure proactive domination. At the end of the day, going forward, a new normal that has evolved from generation X is on the runway heading towards a streamlined cloud solution. User generated content in real-time will have multiple touchpoints for offshoring.
A. Capacity-building and operational support to Ministry of Communications (MoC) for the overall coordination, implementation, financial management, procurement, monitoring, reporting, evaluation and communication of Project activities.
B. Support to National Communications Authority (NCA) for the preparation and implementation of regulatory instruments and measures to decrease the costs of international telecommunications and improve the quality of telecommunication services, including:
- Development o f a strategic sector reform plan based on existing and emerging industry priorities and challenges
- Regulation of the access to the International Submarine Cable Gateway (SAT3).
- Carrying out of a cost modeling assessment including options for tariff rebalancing and interconnection tariffs
- Development of quality of service guidelines and service level agreement principles and related enforcement mechanisms
- Capacity-building support to NCA for the effective delivery o f its key technical and economic regulatory functions
- Formulation and implementation of key government ICT sector policies and action plans in line with the Recipient’s ICT for Accelerated Development Policy
- Formulation and implementation o f a national ITES policy to promote an enabling environment for addressing the needs and priorities of the ITES sector
- Preparation of new or revised key ICT legislation and regulations, including for electronic transactions (e-signature and e-commerce), privacy and data protection, intellectual property rights, cyber-crime and cyber-security, consumer protection and other related laws and regulations
- Formulation and implementation o fpostalpolicies and capacity-building assistance to the Postal and Courier Services Regulatory Commission to establish an environment conducive to investments in improved logistical services.
- Advisory support for the re-privatization of incumbent state-owned telecommunication companies to improve the national communications infrastructure roll-out.
- Preparation of revisions to the broadcasting and freedom of information legal and regulatory framework, including design of institutional arrangements for regulatory oversight of the broadcasting sector and provision of related capacity-building support.
- Analysis of options for the development o f sustainable community information centers, and potential support for the roll out of such centers based on the analysis.