Hybrid Cloud Services
VPS hostingStorage – As – A – Service
CIFS & FTP services
Platform – As – A – Service
Web Hosting
Workflow and Document management
Authentication and Directory Services
Corporate Email Hosting
Infrastructure Services
Rack spaceFloorspace
Infrastructure – As – A – Service
Wide Area Network (LTE and Fiber supported)
Domain Name Services
Load Balancing
Voice Over Internet Protocol
Domain Name Registry
Security Services
Web Applications FirewallCloud Antivirus
Facility and Support Services
Tower Space colocationRacking and Stacking
Monitoring and surveillance

The National Information Technology Agency is a public service institution established by Act 771 in 2008 as the ICT policy implementing arm of the Ministry of Communications. NITA is the agency responsible for implementing Ghana’s IT policies. Its mandate includes identifying, promoting and developing innovative technologies, standards, guidelines and practices among government agencies and local governments, as well as ensuring the sustainable growth of ICT via research & development planning and technology acquisition strategies to facilitate Ghana’s prospect of becoming a technology-driven, knowledge-and values-based economy as espoused in the e-Ghana project which ideally seeks to assist the Government generate growth and employment, by leveraging ICT and public-private partnerships.
The establishment of the National Information Technology Agency is essential for e-Government to take off in Ghana. E-Government, being an essential component of the e-Ghana project will contribute to improved efficiency, transparency and accountability in selected Government functions.

Enabling Environment
Capacity-building and operational support to Ministry of Communications (MoC) for the overall coordination, implementation, financial management, procurement, monitoring, reporting, evaluation and communication of Project activities.Support to Local ICT Businesses and ITES in Ghana
Establishment o f a linkage program between educational institutions and ICT businesses, including the provision o f Matching Grants to eligible educational institutions, for the purpose of reflecting business and operational experience into the ICT/ITES training curricula.E-Government Applications and Government Communications
Development of IT architecture and interoperability standards for government applications and networks.Carrying out of specialized ICT training for chief information officers and technical staff of key MDAs, and for legislators and magistrates.
Data Centre
The Data Centre facility is a crucial feature of the e-government communication infrastructure network. This is because the entire government network will be served with eGovernment applications from this facility, and all the critical equipment and applications will be housed in the data centre as well.